The Future of Ground Support Equipment in 2019 and Beyond

Imagine working in an environment where hundreds or thousands of vehicles, ranging from cart-to truck-sized to nearly a million pounds, operate every day. As even a brief period of inactivity or lateness can cost hundreds of thousands of dollars, all of those vehicles are being operated with as much haste as (hopefully) is deemed safe. The environment is further bombarded with the roar of huge engines and hazy with their exhaust. Given all this it’s likely chaotic and necessarily high stress.

Of course, that’s exactly the environment in which thousands of airside ground staff and aviation personnel work in every day. And since every indication suggests that rates of air travel are going to continue increasing, it’s likely only going to get busier, more congested, and more chaotic. Airports and ground support equipment (GSE) producers, however, are hard at work making sure that for the average baggage handler or aircraft pushback operator, in the airside of the future “busier” doesn’t equal more dangerous.
Automation of GSE

The benefits of automating GSE are obvious. Removal of operator-error reduces accident rates enormously, improving safety and saving money. Computer mapping and then following of routes by GSE and aircraft increases efficiency significantly. In addition to saving time and reducing congestion, greater efficiency means far less fuel used. Less fuel burned is less money spent, less emission of greenhouse gasses, and less wear on the vehicles.The automated GSE and craft still require programming as flights will be late, coordination will still be needed, and repairs and adjustments will always be necessary, and so forth. All this means that human beings won’t be replaced by automation, just made safer.

Partial Automation of GSE

There are some situations in which direct human intervention or operation is still necessary, in which case partial automation can be hugely helpful. A great example of this is the SiPsHitch™ Linear Monitoring System from GSE producer AERO Specialties. Available installed on new equipment or as a retrofit for existing aircraft tugs and other GSE, the SiPsHitch™ system monitors and records stress and force levels during aircraft tows. If those levels approach or exceed safe levels, the operator is alerted. Systems like this can save a great deal of money by avoiding accidents and potentially allowing preferential insurance rates.

Clean, Renewable, and Alternative Energy Sources

It’s pretty widely agreed that the writing is on the wall for the future of power production. Fossil fuels are not an infinite resource butare a significant producer of greenhouse gasses. Being finite means that the price of fuel will only go up. The trend toward GSE powered by cleaner, greener, and renewable energy sources has already begun.

Electric GSE is being introduced at airports around the world. And thin-film solar power system producer Hanergy recently collaborated with TAM-Europe to produce a fleet of solar-powered airport shuttle buses. Their initial goal is to have captured a significant portion of the shuttle market in the more sun-drenched airports of southern Europe, the Middle East, and along the equator by 2020. And an airport with less noise, exhaust, and fuel expenditure is one everyone can look forward to.

About AERO Specialties

AERO Specialties has established themselves as one of the most innovative producers and providers of ground support equipment (GSE), and a whole lot more, in the aviation industry. They have also committed to incorporating the latest, most practical, safest, and most user-friendly technological innovation and advancement. AERO Specialties also ensures that their entire team—whether mechanics, customer service, or sales—are thoroughly familiarized with all of their GSE. AERO Specialties has everything your aviation business needs, from a high-performance aircraft tow tractor line to a massive collection of GSE manuals.

Learn more about the industry’s best GSE from AERO Specialties, at


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