Is Pooling the Future of GSE Management?

If the implementation, organization, logistics, finances, and general future of ground support equipment (GSE) pooling isn’t the most controversial topic in the airside/aviation support industry, it’s without a doubt in the top three. At airports all over the planet the question of pooling is being debated by enthusiastic supporters and equally fervent detractors, and in a number of them, it’s already being implemented.

With pooling in practice on a large scale still in its infancy, however, universal adoption is far from a certainty. As is the case with any major shift in an industry’s operational parameters, there don’t seem to be a whole lot of easy answers and even the most vocal proponents of GSE pooling acknowledge that implementation will almost certainly be a bit turbulent. Whether or not it proves worth it remains to be seen.

Potential Drawbacks of Pooling

For the unfamiliar, at the moment, different ground crews have contracts with specific airlines and those crews own, lease, or otherwise control their own aircraft tugs, ground power supply units, and the other GSE they use. Pooling would involve all of the GSE being controlled by the airport or a third party they contract and that equipment would be made available for members of those different crews as necessary. Instead of the leased or owned property of the ground crews, the GSE would be pooled together, often similar to other features of common-use airport infrastructure.

Chief among the drawbacks would be the initial implementation and setup costs to establish the pooling infrastructure. How that expenditure would be paid and whom by is likewise controversial. Loss of equipment-autonomy is a major concern among ground crews at the moment. What if, despite computerized scheduling and telematics tracking, a flight was late and the ground crew using a communal aircraft tow tractor or other GSE to service it wouldn’t/couldn’t relinquish the equipment? It seems no universal system of payment has been sorted out either. Considered options include a flat rate, a per-use fee, a running meter, or a by-the-minute charge. There are still a lot of details to iron out.

Potential Benefits of Pooling

The benefits, however, could be substantial. Proponents of pooling insist that pooled GSE could vastly reduce (often dangerous) GSE congestion on the apron, making airside operation both more efficient and considerably less dangerous. And according to initial feedback from London Luton Airport (LLA), the first major airport to implement pooling on a major scale, that hope appears to be panning out. According to LLA, GSE congestion on the apron has been reduced by 40%.

LLA staff predicts that an expansion of the pooling into additional GSE, like their baggage belt and aircraft ground power unit fleets, will likely reduce congestion by an additional 30%. That reduction in congestion, officials say, will lead to a “massive reduction” in damage to GSE, perhaps as much as 90%. Considering the staggering (multi-billion dollar) cost of GSE damage, ramp damage to GSE and aircraft, and the time lost due to those incidents, reductions of that size in congestion and damage make the prospect of pooling appear promising for GSE management.

About AERO Specialties

AERO Specialties has gained a national and international reputation as one of the most trustworthy, dependable, and committed GSE providers in the industry. Not only are they devoted to producing the highest-quality GSE available, they consistently remain on the leading edge of airside innovation. Their dedication to superior equipment applies to their team members as well. AERO Specialties insists that all of their team, from sales to the support staff, is provided with in-depth training on and a detailed understanding of airside ground crew operations and equipment. For everything from decals to aircraft tugs, AERO Specialties will keep your aviation business flying high.

Learn more about AERO Specialties’ equipment and innovation at


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