What the Airside of the Future May Look Like

There is every indication that the popularity of air travel will continue to increase in the years to come. A practical demonstration of that fact is already evidenced by the increased congestion at the world’s major airports. An increase in the traffic through airports will also be attended by a busier, more demanding, more stressful, and even more dangerous airside.


Thankfully, the increases in traffic and the challenges that brings to the airside are being complemented by an increase in the technological innovation that’s shaping how those challenges will be addressed. Changes already being made at airports globally are an indication of what the airside of the future may look like. The good news is that it appears to be one in which ground crews, their equipment, and the aircraft are safer, more efficiently managed, and more effectively overseen.

GSE Goes Electric

For the great majority of the time airports have been in business, the average aircraft pushback tractor paralleled the average family station wagon in basic design. It was an internal combustion vehicle driven by a human being who controlled it. That dynamic is changing on both the freeways and airsides, but more quickly for the latter.Electric GSE, such as aircraft pushback tows and tractors, are increasingly common and widely considered a virtual inevitability.

A number of major airports and airlines are already replacing portions of their fleets with electric vehicles and many more are making commitments to do so. While the up-front cost of an infrastructure switch-over to electric remains a concern in many corners, for many the cost and environmental benefits alone are proving too attractive to ignore.

Pooling with GSE

Speaking of infrastructure switch-over concerns, the move to electric is actually being abetted by another rising yet controversial airside trend: pooling GSE. Pooling involves either the airport or a contracted third party controlling all of the GSE and the individual crews using them as needed.

The primary benefit of pooling is a reduction in GSE congestion on the apron. Different crews depositing aircraft tugs and baggage loaders on the apron, resulting in congestion, can contribute to a considerably less efficient ground crew work management, greater risk of injury, and an increase in damage to both aircraft and vehicles. Less congested airsides mean less airline ground time, substantial potential savings, and most importantly, safer people. Though there are substantial setup costs to establish the pooling infrastructure as well as several details that would need to be worked out with ground crews, airports, and potential third parties to implement and support a pooling system.

Increased Automation

Automation is something of a loaded topic. There’s no question that automation can help improve efficiency, decrease accidents, reduce errors, etc. It can also replace human employees. However, much of the automation that has been making its way to airside ground crews hasn’t been ground crew-replacing, but ground crew-reinforcing.For instance, there has been a significant increase in the emergence of hybrid-automation for airside ground crews.

Instead of GSE being fully automated and operating without any human input beyond initial programming of schedules or work orders, automation is being applied to aid the ground crew with digital precision they don’t have.AERO Specialties is leading the field in many of these areas. Recent examples include the SiPsHitch™ Linear Force Monitoring System, which precisely measures the stress an aircraft tug applies to nose gear, allowing intervention to avoid damage; automated shutoff valves for fueling; and AERO Specialties’ Safe-Lav lavatory filling system on lav carts to prevent overflow. It’s technological advances like these that promise a safer, cleaner, and more efficient aviation future.

About AERO Specialties

AERO Specialties has gained a national and international reputation as one of the most trustworthy, dependable, and committed GSE providers in the industry. Not only are they devoted to producing the highest-quality GSE available, they consistently remain on the leading edge of airside innovation. Their dedication to superior equipment applies to their team members as well. AERO Specialties insists that all of their team, from sales to the support staff, is provided with in-depth training on and a detailed understanding of airside ground crew operations and equipment. For everything from decals to aircraft tugs, AERO Specialties will keep your aviation business flying high.

Learn more about AERO Specialties’ equipment and innovation at Aerospecialties.com


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