Tips to Ensure That Your GSE Is Running Efficiently and Effectively

A commercial aircraft being grounded unexpectedly, even for a few minutes, can cost airlines thousands of dollars, mess up schedules, upset passengers, and spin off into a series of additional problems and expenses. Some delays and groundings are unavoidable, of course, but the last thing any airside ground crew wants is to be the cause of a plane being grounded due to ground support equipment (GSE) failure. Even more serious is the prospect of GSE failure on the ramp leading to not just delays or groundings but damage to aircraft tugs and other GSE or aircraft, or, worse yet, injuries to ground or flight crew, or even passengers. That’s why taking any extra steps to fully ensure that GSE is running reliably and efficiently is always worth it

Meet the Maintenance Schedule

It’s probably no surprise that the most effective way to guarantee that GSE remains in good working order is to be vigilant about the maintenance schedule. Anyone who has worked as a mechanic or maintained any complex machinery is well aware that a little bit of upkeep and maintenance now pretty much always saves far more work and expense down the road. Scheduled maintenance work is also a great opportunity to review maintenance protocols with and train up GSE maintenance personnel.

Checking Connections and Linkages

This covers some real broad territory, including any GSE from an aircraft tug to a ground power unit, but the point of failure on machinery is often the connections, securing parts, and mounts. Those include electric wiring, connections, and sensors; the clamps on intake hoses and exhaust pipes; battery terminals and cables; and engine mounts. Spot maintenance for those could be anything from confirming solid connections or linkages, spotting bare or frayed spots in wiring, and certifying cleanliness and tightness.

Paying Attention to Moving Parts

Once again, the area covered by “moving parts” is considerable. But like connections, mounts, and linkages, moving parts are more prone to failure and malfunction than static ones. Fans are vulnerable to failure, as are belts. Keep an eye on accessory belts, fan belts, and any other belts that aid in the operation or actuation of machinery. Check belts for their tightness, be sure they’re properly situated, and check for cracks. Check fans for looseness, wobbling during operation, clanking noises, or anything else that could indicate a problem.

Weather Maintenance

Seasonal weather shifts and the conditions present during those seasons can prove a significant contributor to GSE problems and failures. Predictably, extreme weather conditions—the most intense heat in the summer and most severe cold in the winter—are the hardest on GSE. Many of the most critical weather-related GSE threats can be, at the very least, reduced by some basic preparation and maintenance. Remembering to switch the GSE’s oil to winter weight is a good example.More generally, in both extreme heat and cold, be adamant about keeping everything maintained, whether that means it needs to be tightened, greased, or connected. And be sure to keep all of the fluids topped off. Keeping tires inflated is important in winter and summer, and really, the rest of the year too. During the summer, pay close attention to the function of the coolant systems and the tires of GSE and aircraft. The ramp can heat up significantly, enough so it has the potential to accelerate a tire’s wear over time.

About AERO Specialties

AERO Specialties has established themselves as one of the most innovative producers and providers of ground support equipment (GSE), and a whole lot more, in the aviation industry. They have also committed to incorporating the latest, most practical, safest, and most user-friendly technological innovation and advancement. AERO Specialties also ensures that their entire team—whether mechanics, customer service, or sales—are thoroughly familiarized with all of their GSE. AERO Specialties has everything your aviation business needs, from a high-performance aircraft tow tractor line to a massive collection of GSE manuals.

Learn more about the industry’s best GSE from AERO Specialties, at


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