Fundamental Maintenance Tips for Airport Ground Support Equipment

Keeping your ground support equipment in the best working condition is critical for aircraft turnaround, ramp safety, and repairing aircraft. Using GSE correctly is also hugely important for the safety of the ramp team and protecting the aircraft parts that need maintenance or replacement.

When utilizing GSE for airport operations, be intentional about staying informed about the right ways to use tools and up-to-date on progressive technology that’s being introduced to the ramp. Here are a few tips on how to maintain aircraft GSE to keep it running smoothly throughout the year.

Aircraft Jacks

A reliable aircraft jack is essential for any aircraft ground support team. There are several different kinds of jacks, and each one needs a different type of maintenance. These tips apply to most aircraft jacks. Aircraft jacks need inspection every 90 days or so, depending on how often they are used.
  • Inspect the pump before using it. Check the relief valve setting and operation for leaks on the hose or pump.

  • Make sure the incoming or external lines are properly sized to handle the system flow.

  • Verify that the valves and hoses are clear of obstruction and connected correctly.

  • Check the manufacturer’s recommended procedure for raising or lowering an aircraft.

  • Store in a dry place to avoid water getting to the ram piston.
Aircraft Tugs

An aircraft tug is imperative for aircraft transportation and storage. Because they are a vehicle, they require similar maintenance to cars and trucks. Perform basic maintenance on these every few months or as needed.
  • Clean the engine and check for oil leaks.

  • Check and replace the air filter if needed.

  • Replace fuel filters and check spark plugs, rotor, and ignition wires for a gas aircraft tug.

  • Check throttle linkages for bindings or lack of. Check the manual or contact the supplier for best practices for repair.
Engine Lifts

Engine lifts are helpful for more intense aircraft ground support repairs. These need to be checked for difficulties often due to safety. Serious injury or damage to aircraft engines can occur if these are not checked. Operators should be consistently and mindfully testing this equipment for ensured safety.
  • Inspect all components for signs of wear, cracks, deformation, and worn straps or bars.

  • Check for loose bolts and fasteners.

  • Inspect the operation of all ball-lock pins and shackles.
About AERO Specialties

Dedicated to quality and customer service, all AERO Specialties sales and support staff possess extensive knowledge of aircraft handling and maintenance. Not only providers of high-quality aircraft pushback and tow tractors, AERO Specialties also specializes in aircraft solutions in Baggage and Cargo Handling, Intercom Systems, Hydraulic Fluid services, and Aircraft Lighting. They offer such parts as Towbar and Towbar Head Ball Lock Pins, Shear Pins, Oxygen Charge Adapters, Nitrogen Service Adapters, Ground Power Unit Cables, and many more parts to support your equipment fleet.

To learn more about AERO Specialties, go to


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