How Your Small Airport or FOB Can Compete with Bigger Airports

It can be difficult running any small business in a field shared by far bigger ones. Big businesses have a number of advantages (like an aircraft tug fleet, in this case) over their smaller competitors. They have more resources and they offer more amenities. They have a far more robust advertising budget, and perhaps most importantly, they have name recognition. They’re an established presence and a well-known among potential customers and clients. That dynamic can prove disheartening for smaller businesses. Small airports and forward operating bases (FOBs) face these struggles too. However, being small has advantages that no big airport can match. Here are some key distinctions that every airdrome owner or manager should focus on in order to attract personal planes as well as private, corporate, and executive aircraft. Less Stressful Approaching, Landing, and Taxiing The bigger an airport gets, the busier it gets. That doesn’t just apply to aircraft a...