Eliminating Common Pain Points for Airside Ground Crews

Being a member of an airside ground crew is already stressful enough. On top of the high-dollar, high-stress, fast-moving, and physically demanding nature of the work, it’s a dangerous place to be. They’re working in and around aircraft pushback tugs, tow tractors, baggage carts, and the other ground support equipment (GSE) in operation, not to mention the massive airliners. The last thing someone in a such a sensitive workplace needs is the addition of extra pain points, or an avoidable failure. Communication Within a Ground Crew Communication is likely the most effective way for a work crew to improve the safety and efficiency of their operations. In addition to the general communication protocols between operators of GSE, the ground operations manager, and anyone else pertinent, specific training for communication during stressful events or emergencies is extremely important. Incorporating communication-enhancing technology can also make a big difference. That technology inclu...